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Penis Enlargement - How to make your penis larger without surgery

There’s a few different kinds of penis enlargement surgery available, but none of them are risk-free, or particularly permanent.

For many, no matter what the results, the idea of going under the knife or needle to enhance your penis size is completely off-putting, particularly when you hear the horror stories about botched operations or loss of penis sensation.

That’s before considering the cost, of course. With prices varying a lot, but typically starting off at £5,000 for either lengthening or girth enhancement (and pretty much exclusively requiring private treatment), many imagine that the idea of getting a longer penis is completely unachievable. That’s really not the case.

On this page, we’re taking a look at some of the non-surgical options for penis expansion, and the real results that they can deliver. With these options all delivering varied results, it’s worth taking the time to think about what penis enlargement option suits you best.

As the makers of Bathmate, we definitely think our hydropumps are the best penis enlargement option for practically anyone (as do over 1 million customers worldwide) - but we’ll get onto that in a bit.

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Techniques

Personal Maintenance

When it comes to size concerns, personal perception tends to be a key issue, which can be taken care of in a couple of ways. While it’s pretty common advice, if you’ve got a lot of pubic hair, you’ll visibly appear longer by cutting it down to a more reasonable size, while getting more active and losing weight can quickly cut down on pubic fat, adding additional visible length. While we’d definitely recommend these steps for pretty much anyone interested in getting a larger penis, they’re not strictly about penis expansion - the length stays pretty much the same, although it appears to have become longer.

Improving Overall Health

Whether it’s smoking, drinking or eating badly, the effects of unhealthy activities can be particularly apparent when it comes to the penis. Put simply, in order to get a large, strong, long-lasting erection, you need to have a lot of blood flowing into your penis, and all of the above choices end up cutting down circulation, blocking arteries and narrowing blood vessels. Improving cardiovascular health really means a healthier penis, making for easier, harder erections.

Pills and Potions

You’ve probably seen a lot of pills and herbs claiming to add an extra dimension to your penis size (often being sold by untrustworthy-looking websites). While there’s definitely no way we’ve seen to add length just by taking a pill, certain extracts and plants can improve blood flow, leading to harder erections. Whether it’s the full-on effect provided by specialised medication or the more subtle, longer-lasting effects of plants like ginseng and ginkgo biloba, some extracts can improve erectile strength and lasting power. However, these can come complete with negative side effects. Don’t be embarassed to ask your doctor - and make sure to only buy from legitimate sites.

Penis Weights

Attaching a weight to the end of your penis is one of the oldest methods for penis enlargement - it’s also one of the more dangerous options. Incorrect use of weights can permanently damage tissue, and even if done correctly, can take months on end to build any results. The actual exercise is also awkward to carry out - I’m sure I don’t need to show you pictures to tell you that attaching metal bars to your penis isn’t discreet or particularly easy to do.

Penis Extenders

Looking a bit like a torture device, penis extenders are designed to apply constant tension to your penis, with the idea being to essentially pull your penis, making it longer over time. While there’s been several reports of length increasing with the long-term use of these, there’s a few issues to consider - in most cases, the changes are exclusively to length of the flaccid penis rather than girth or erectile length, the devices can be painful to use, they’re absolutely not discreet (no matter what the sellers claim), and they’re far more expensive (and fragile) than other working options.


An ancient technique designed to essentially ‘milk’ the penis, jelqing has produced genuine results for users for thousands of years. Essentially, when you’re about half-way erect (60-80%), apply some lubrication (like our specially designed Max Out Jelqing Serum or oil), form an ‘o’ shape with your index finger and thumb around the base of your shaft, and move up to just before the glans, applying some pressure to push blood to the head. Carrying this out about 100 times in a session vastly concentrates blood, resulting in real length increases with regular usage.

Penis Pumps

We’ve saved the best till last.

Penis pumps are by far the most effective penis enlargement method available. All of the above exercises/ penis enlargement tools work based on one or two of these areas: overall penis tissue, blood vessels and the corpus cavernosum (which contain blood during erections). Penis pumps target all three of these areas, delivering an unmatched level of gains for length, girth and hardness.

Of course, not all penis pumps are created equal. The unique advantage of our Bathmate hydropumps is their water-based design, which means that users can experience the maximum safe level of pressure without any discomfort at all. After a month’s use, over 70% saw a real size increase, while our Bathmate Hydromax penis pumps have an incredible 92% satisfaction rate, giving users a healthier, better-functioning penis.

With our pumps all having a complete medical seal of approval, you can expect great results. Hydropumps were originally designed to treat conditions like erectile dysfunction, with the size gains initially being a very welcome side effect. You don’t have to take our word for it when it comes to pump performance - we offer a 60-day, no questions asked return option when you buy direct through our site, letting you see the results for yourself.

To get the very best possible results, we’d recommend making sure that you’re living a healthy lifestyle, and regularly carrying out sessions with your Bathmate along with jelqing exercises. Take a look through some of our Bathmate Videos to see the results for yourself.








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